Student Achievement Data


In accordance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Standard 8.1, “The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students its serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success.”  Augusta Technical College has identified five (5) criteria to document student success and evaluate student achievement.

The student achievement criteria identified by the college are:

Criterion Goal/Threshold

Persistence (Retention) Rate (Fall to Spring)

Goal: Increase Fall to Spring persistence by 1.5% each year.

Threshold: Increase FAll to Spring persistence by 1.0% each year.

Award Conferred (Annually)

Goal: Increase total number of awards by 1% annually for academic years 2019-2023.

Threshold: Maintain or surpass a ratio of 1.5 when comparing total number of awards to unduplicated graduates for academic years 2019-2023.

Graduation Rate

(Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) "traditional" Graduation rate metric (full-time, first-time, 150% standard time)

Goal: Maintain or exceed the 4-year average Student Right-to-Know Completion or Graduation Rate Calculation each IPEDS survey year. (Baseline = 38% from survey year 2018)

Threshold: Meet or surpass the graduation rate median of peer institutions as provided in the IPEDS data feedback report for each survey year.

Job Placement Rate

Goal: Maintain an in-field job placement rate of 86% or higher each academic year.

Threshold: Maintain a total placement rate of 98% or higher each academic year.

Licensure Pass Rates (applicable accredited programs) Goal/Threshold: Established by the applicable programs' licensing/certifying agency.


Persistence (Retention) Rate (Fall to Spring)

Fall to spring persistence (retention) is defined as "the number of students with subsequent enrollment in a given spring term having been enrolled in the preceding fall term." The rate is calculated based on the followin formula:

  • Numerator: Total Number of Students from Preceding Fall Term that Enroll in Subsequent Spring Term
  • Denominator: Total Number of Students Enrolled in Preceding Fall Term


Fall to Spring Persistence (Retention) Rate by Academic Year (AY 2020 - AY 2023)
Academic Year
Persistence (Retention) Period
Fall Students Enrolled in
Subsequent  Spring
(Retention) Rate

Difference from Prior Year
(Goal  =  increase by 1.5%/
Threshold = increase by 1.0%)

AY 2020
(Fall 2019 - Spring 2020)
4,237 2,783 65.7%  
AY 2021
(Fall 2020 - Spring 2021)
3,863 2,410 62.4% -3.30%
AY 2022
(Fall 2021 - Spring 2022)
3,705 2,357 63.6% 1.20%
AY 2023
(Fall 2022 - Spring 2023)
3,970 2,493 62.8% -0.8%

Source: TSCG Knowledge Management System Report #TEC0362 - Retention (Fall to Spring)


Awards Conferred (Annually)

Awards conferred is defined as the total academic credentials (Degree, Diploma, and Technical Certificate of Credit) awarded to graduates. For this criterion, the goal is to increase total awards by at least 1% annually for AY 2019 to AY 2023. Moreover, since a graduate may have received more than one award in a given academic year, the minimum acceptable threshold is to maintain an "awards to unduplicated graduates" ration of 1.5.


Number of Awards and Unduplicated Graduates by Academic Year (AY 2019 - AY 2023)
Academic Year Number of Awards* Number of
Unduplicated Graduates
% Change from Prior Year
(Goal = increase by at least 1%)
Awards to Unduplicated Graduates Ratio
(Threshold >=1.5)
AY 2019 2,361 1,475   1.6
AY 2020 2,112 1,381 -10.55% 1.5
AY 2021 1,788 1,176 -15.81% 1.5
AY 2022 1,325 871 -25.48% 1.5
AY 2023 1,723 1,112 27.67% 1.5

Source: TCSG Knowlege Management System Report  #TES0263 - Graduates and Awards Conferred
*A graduate may have received more than one award


Graduation Rate

In 2018, Augusta Technical College identified the IPEDS "traditional" Graduation Rate metric (full-time, first-time, 150% standard time) as its key student completion indicator to the Southern Association of Colleges and School Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The goal for this criterion is to maintain or exceed a 4-year average Student Right-to-Know Completion or Graduation Rate Calculation of 38% each IPEDS survey year. The acceptable threshold is to meet or surpass the graduation rate median of the NCES selected comparison group.


Job Placement Rate

Job placement is calculated by tracking a cohort of graduates through September 15 of the following year. As graduates are tracked, each is coded with an employment status entry. Based on the latest employment status entry, the overall/total job placement rate is calculated as follows:

  • Numerator: Employed in Field + Military + Employed in Related Field + Employed in Unrelated Field + Employed in Field & Continuing Education + Employed in Related Field & Continuing Education + Employed in Unrelated Field & Continuing Education.
  • Denominator: Numerator + Not Employed

The College’s in-field placement rate is a subset to the total job placement rate. The in-field job placement rate is calculated as follows based on the latest employment entry:

  • Numerator: Employed in Field + Military + Employed in Related Field + Employed in Field & Continuing Education + Employed in Related Field & Continuing Education.
  • Denominator: Total Grads - (Continuing Education & Employed in Unrelated Field + Continuing Education + Unavailable).

The targeted goal for overall/job placement rate is 98% or higher. While, the minimum threshold is to achieve or surpass an in-field job placement rate of 86%.


Total and In-field Job Placement Rates by Graduation Years AY 2019 - AY 2021
Reporting Year (Graduation Year) Total Job Placement Rate (Actual) Threshold In-Field Job Placement Rate (Actual) Goal
AY 2022 (AY 2021) 99.05% 98% or higher 87.0% 86% or higher
AY 2021 (AY 2020) 99.2% 98% or higher 83.6% 86% or higher
AY 2020 (AY 2019) 99.5% 98% or higher 84.5% 86% or higher
Source: TCSG Knowledge Management System Report #TEC0108 - Unduplicated Graduates and Placement


Licensure Pass Rates

State licensing exams and agency certifications are essential to ensuring the quality of student learning and demonstrating student achievement. Licensure/certification pass rates benchmarks from all applicable accredited programs established by the program’s certifying/licensing agency.


Most Recent Licensure/Certification Exam Pass Rates for Applicable Programs
Academic Program Benchmark/Threshold Licensure Exam Pass Rate
Associate Degree Nursing The most recent annual licensure examination pass rate will be at least 80% for all first-time test takers during the same 12-month period. 95.83%
The program will maintain a passing average of at least 80% for all first-time test-takers on the licensure exam over the four most recent years. 85.97%
Cardiovascular Technology 60% of total number of individuals attempting the CCI examination pass. (3-year average) 73.68%
Echocardiography 60% of total number of individuals attempting the ARDMS/RDC examination pass. (3-year average) 69%
Medical Assisting 60% (of all the students who graduated within the specific year who took the exam) 81.99%
Practical Nursing The most recent annual licensure examination pass rate will be at least 90% for all first-time test takers during the same 12-month period 91.7%
Radiologic Technology The five-year average benchmark is 75%. 100%
Respiratory Care 60% of total number of graduates achieving the TMC high cut score (3-year average) 69%
Vascular Technology 60% of total number of individuals attempting the ARDMS/RVT examination pass. (3-year average) 83.33%


Secondary Reporting Data


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